20 worse games of all-time (video games)

Hmmm, let's see.

War Gods
Dark Castle
Rival Turf
Battle Arena Toshinden 3

And that's it basically.


Retired Moderator
My most hated game has always been Q-bert. Anyone remember that game? They even made into a horrible kids cartoon. Right about the time Mr. T had his saturday morning cartoon.
hahaha. lol, i loved reading the reviews on there

man, classic
When I was in 4th grade, my teacher had nintendo in the clash room. I used to play bible adventures on it all the time. LOL


It's good to be the king...
Hated Manhunt - ended up giving it away to my brother.....
war gods?! i remember that game. it was on the n64 i believe. it was basically just a fighting game engine that aparently someone thought was good enough to be its own game..but it really sucked :(
ring of red for the ps2. i was really excited to play that one but it took me nearly 2 years after it was released to find a copy, then i played it and it really sucked.
Ephernal Phantasia, this was the worst RPG ever, it literally takes 45 minutes to get into your first fight and you only have 72 hours to complete the stupid thing. The new Family Guy game is pretty horrible too


Halo 2 is a pretty horrible game.

come on , halo 2 horrible ??? It was a bit disapointing because of the ending but in no way was it a horrible game . It's still is better than a lot of first person shooters .

The worst game ever for me has to be Azurik Rise Of Perathia