18-Year-Old Girl Found Guilty of Plotting ISIS Attack

They should do like what Iraq is doing with ISIS members. You walk in one door to the courtroom and if found guilty you exit stage left directly to the hanging room. No appeals.


Hiliary 2020
Only problem with that is ISIS is a boogyman created by Mossad and CIA and is an armed and funded by the US mercenary army.

"ISIS took over Iraq after we "liberated" it. We did nothing.
They took over Libya after we liberated it. We did nothing.
They fight against the Syrian army and so do we.

Do you ever hear peep about who funds ISIS? Surely with all the billions the US borrows and spends on security and intelligence each year they must know who puts up the money?

When was the last time the Big Bad US military fought ISIS?
They dont. They fight the people who fight ISIS.

Don't worry, someday you'll figure it out.