15 killed in mass panic at Germany's Love Parade


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
People still listen to techno, who am I kidding the girl I am dating right now still listens to it...All kidding aside that is not good and I feel sorry for the people that have passed on families

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If they weren't American, it doesn't concern me.
Well, at least they all died with love in their hearts. That's more than you can say about most of us.

Plus a bucket load of semen nestling in their rectums.

Lucky bastards.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well, at least they all died with love in their hearts. That's more than you can say about most of us.

Plus a bucket load of semen nestling in their rectums.

Lucky bastards.

Not as lucky as your going to be when we play another sweaty round of "Naked Flashlight Tag Burgler".


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
German love sounds painful.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I was in Germany just a few weeks ago! No way!

Everyone was so friendly when I was there too!

Do you think this could only happen to unfriendly people? :confused:


But seriously it's a tragedy that this could happen in Germany! We have so many safety regulations for everything!


Another report says that 1.4 Million people in approximate total were gathered at this event, does anybody understand the logistics involved with managing 1.4 million people? . . drunken and "X"ed (ecstacyed) out people that is?

I'm sorry, those are not safe conditions! Somebody really choked hard in order to allow this to go down.
:2 cents:
I still cannot believe this could happen right here in Germany. We normally have so much safe instructions and paragraphs, but it all failed completely because of dumbness.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It IS a tragedy. I never felt like going to the Love Parade, though a couple of my friends did over the years.

It is partly the music, but being in a gigantic mass of tripped-out kids who act like lunatics is just not for me.

Looking back over the years, the city of Berlin, where it took place so many times, and now other cities, it is hardly possib,e to make the Love Parade safe.

It is a big business event, but the cities have to take the chance of something like this happening, or people dropping off lanterns or getting under the wheels of all those trucks. Not to mention overdosed visitors.

It had to happen sometime, but I feel sad that there are people who can joke about this tragedy.