1 piece

how about some sex in a 1 piece swimsuit...haven't seen it yet...is it out there?

something like this
http://www. s p a n k w i r e .com/Mizugi-Kanojo-Ep-1/video183818/?seekPercent=10

minus the hentai - about 9:18 into it

I figured bumping this old topic was a better idea than starting my own new thread... I'm looking for something very similar, but more specific. I'm looking for videos where the girl is in the Japanese schoolgirl style swimsuit called a mizugi. You know the ones... dark blue, sometimes with a white box of writing on the chest. I'll post a few that are close, or at least related to the topic. =)

http://www. x v i d e o s .com/video115162/asian_swimsuit_fuck
http://www. x v i d e o s .com/video132039/asian_in_swimsuit
http://www. x v i d e o s .com/video85504/pelvic_swimsuit_bukkake_asian_swimsuit_fetish