
  1. Mariahxxx

    Pics Mariah Milano @ Yankees game

    Hey guys....I went to the spring training game Yankees vs. Blue Jays and took some pics I thought I'd share with you! AJ Burnett got me the tickets front row behind home plate I got a ball from Mark Texiera who fouled it back into the screen right in front of me and I was able to grab it out...
  2. coachturnmire

    Spring break advice

    Im goin to Orlando for Spring Break with some of my people. Im trying to figure out what to do other than go to Disney World and see all that stuff. Im trying to decide between an Orlando Magic Basketball game or going to watch a Spring Training game, either the Yankees or Braves. What do yall...
  3. ThePornKing69

    Who will win the World Series?

    I know it's a little early to be picking teams here and there, but it's something that has got me thinking lately. The Dodgers have been amazing, even without Manny who is set to return very soon in early July. He'll end up helping the team even MORE. Andre Either hit 3 HR's the other day...