
  1. UnderBro

    Blog view count remains at zero

    I noticed that the blog view count that's underneath the blog's title is stays at zero (0) when I view recent blogs. I don't think members aren't looking at the blogs. Is there something wrong with the blog view count display?
  2. A

    *PLEASE* Someone tell me what this type of shot is called!

    Okay, I've been killing myself trying to figure out what this angle/shot/view is... It's impossible! It's such a sexy angle, I just want to find more!
  3. brodkill

    it there a way to stop embed videos from showing up in threads?

    read title
  4. M

    Fucking with an audience

    Basically any pics and/or vids that involve people fucking while someone else is watching (not voyeurs) some examples. (vid) (pics)