
  1. nightwanker

    Cup Holder vs Challenger - The 'Babe versus Babe' Polls Discussion Thread

    There are many threads, searching for the hottest babes or simply listing individual favourites, but among a lot of them there isn't enough space to discuss and express your opinion, particularly if you want to comment on an old reply. Now you can come here to review and gossip everything you...
  2. nightwanker

    Your unique single favourite babe, if you had to decide and show to the world?

    Out of all Babes (porn stars, centerfolds, adult models) you can imagine, who is your favourite? You can name a handful, but then have to decide for one! I know there are plenty of Favourite Babes threads and polls, but make yourself aware of the fact: you now got the chance to add your answer...
  3. PrimeGuy

    Is my mind completely dirty now?

    I'd like to get that too, and I don't mean the trophy.
  4. M

    Choose Your "Trophy Fucks"

    Which 5 girls would you like to fuck the most? I'd have to say Alley Baggett, Veronika Zemanova, Barbie Griffin, Suzanne Stokes, and Devon