
  1. MarcFromTheDark

    AdultTalentRegistry.com - The Adult Industry Online Social Network

    New pornstars joining every day! Check it out!
  2. C

    Hot Talent

    As an aspiring photographer, I hope to one day shoot as well as 28-year-old Alex Lim. Looking at his shots, it’s apparent that he has a sharp eye, as he does a fantastic job balancing color, shadow, lighting, and clarity. Lim perfectly frames his shots, while finding some awesome...
  3. IsobelWren

    Adultcon = No trannies

    I was just reading my talent contract, since I'm going to be exhibiting at Adultcon in a few weeks and I was really surprised to read that transsexual performers cannot exhibit as talent. From the contract: 1. DEFINITION OF “TALENT” For the purposes of this agreement, Talent is defined as any...