sasha eleyce

  1. modelagent_4u

    Check out rising star, singer/songwriter, Sasha Eleyce

    Please take 30 seconds (max) to vote for Sasha Eleyce at this link. (No spam. No registering. No strings attached. Just vote and go!) (Then click on the copy just below “November Contest Now Underway!”) If you wish to learn more about the amazing Sasha Elyece, then I...
  2. modelagent_4u

    Sasha Eleyce is gorgeous, plus she's in this quick contest

    Please take 30 seconds (max) to vote for Sasha Eleyce at this link. (No spam. No registering. No strings attached. Just vote and go!) (Then click on the copy just below “November Contest Now Underway!”) If you wish to learn more about the amazing Sasha Elyece, then I...