
  1. nightwanker

    'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrations in New York City

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15160953 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street
  2. C


    Looks Cool! 6zLsimDM2Do [youtube]SSyuzCfq4XY[youtube]
  3. Ike Stain

    Does anyone else seek out bullshit posts by people who gave you negative rep

    and throw it right back at them. Because I definitely do. I learned it from the one time I gave negative rep on someone's legitimately bullshit post and they threw it right back at me. He who casts the first stone, right?
  4. STDiva

    Rage :mad:

    I just woke up at 3:51am because a skunk just fucking sprayed outside and the smell is so strong I can taste it. Rage. :mad: I suspect if I wasn't such a lazy fuck, I could go in my backyard at this very moment and see skunks ripping apart garbage bags, eating it and probably jerking off on my...
  5. PrimeGuy

    Furry BOOBS!

    "Stroke away your road rage!" Handy!