neocons hate ron paul


    Neo–CONNED! by Dr. Ron Paul

    Here's an awesome must read article by Dr. Ron Paul who identifies the NeoCon infestation in our government and country :thumbsup:
  2. B

    Sexiest NeoCon!!!

    Who do you think is the hottest? - George Bush - Irving Kristol - Albert Fish - Henry M. Jackson - Margaret Thatcher - Mahatma Gandhi - Bill Clinton - Jerry Lewis - Snoop Dog - Paul Wolfowitz Vote :rubbel:

    Listen to a Genuine Conservative: Ron Paul Speaks at CPAC

    Unfortunately for genuine Conservatives like Ron Paul, they're a minority that's outnumbered by artificial Republicans who dominate the GOP :( 2010 Full Version: 3BWEBXKOkaI Part 1-3: AfY1wXo_Sz0 Part 1-3 in 2009: X_aZn6wqAdQ
  4. CunningStunts

    Ron Paul wins straw poll... This is very good news IMHO, and I hope the signal for more fiscally conservative/socially liberal people to be heard in American politics as a counter to "business as usual" by both parties in...