
  1. S

    Hey REVIDFFUM....

    My next gun purchase BM-DGaNmtA0 :nanner:
  2. S

    Don't ya wish you had some guns?

    I like guns. I have lots of them. :) Brandon Kruse was on his way to get some sushi when three teens surrounded him, and one of them punched Kruse in the head. “One guy to my far right just punched me in the face and started swinging,” Kruse said. “At that point, I just pulled my gun and the...
  3. S

    If the Broncos sign Peyton Manning...

    I'll never watch them again, as long as Pat Bowlen owns the team. Way to throw Tebow under the bus, jack-ass!
  4. S

    New Dating Site...

    Carry on! :elaugh: :jk:
  5. vodkazvictim

    A christmas message from Vodkas Victim.

    Merry Crimbo you masturbation addicts. Remember to spend it with your family and friends. Be happy. Until you're spending time with your family, enjoy the pic (on several levels) and the link in my sig ;) That is all.