
  1. A

    Does anyone know who Evan C. Heiser are?

    There are lots of people in the World and this motherfucker has to be one of the strangest that has ever existed.
  2. M

    Sexy Pothead

    Can anybody tell me name of any girl that loves to smoke som stuff?? Some Hot Pothead??? Any shoots with pot? Thaks so much xoxo :-D
  3. imsohorny

    Any Marijuana Users in FO?

    Me, I'm a stoner. That's why I haven't posted on FO for a while lol... So yeah, tsia... Before anyone accuses marijuana of being bad I would like to say; I love you and I love weed, and nothing will make me hate you or my lovely ganja. one love, peace.
  4. jvice

    Yea or Nay: Legalize Marijuana (Prop 19 in CA)

    Just curious how many on this board support marijuana being legalized like California is trying to do with Prop 19. What is the main deciding factor for you?

    Marijuana school opens in Michigan

    This sounds like a great school of higher learning ;)
  6. nonce

    Spider On Drugs

    Spider On Drugs :rofl:
  7. Wainkerr99

    Not so potty with pot.

    A bit of marijuana seems to go a long way. It is interesting that the parents should think of this as a solution. Of course, this is 'medical marijuana', they aren't just letting their child suck a joint in the bathroom...

    Obama, You're No Stranger to the Bong

    Obama and hardworking Americans all need to listen to this song and end the fiscally unconservative war on drugs and end drug prohibition once and for all
  9. Lacey Black

    Megan Fox for Legalizing

    Glad to see more hot celebs are pushing for it :thumbsup:
  10. Priapus

    Human Brains Make Their Own 'Marijuana'

    This advancement will surely help peopple with chronic pain, like my mother. It's stories like these that make reading about science interesting.
  11. R

    Pineapple Express

    Man the first time i watched this movie i was baked, and it ruled lol. I think this movie is fucking awesome, another good movie from those guys from Superbad, Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. So if you guys got ne good/bad views on this movie or quotes, send em in man...
  12. Will E Worm

    Marijuana Nation

    Marijuana Nation Who has seen this program?