
  1. E

    looking for a certain food fetish porn

    Ive been looking for porn that involves girls with food and a cock in her ass together like this http://www.*************/movies/banana-up-the-butt-followed-by-a-hard-cock/ does anyone know any other videos like this??
  2. D

    Big Insertions.

    Hi, all. One of my fetishes is large insertions. I mean HUGE. As big as possible. I've always had trouble finding videos of it and I was wondering if anybody could direct me to the biggest insertion videos/websites they know of. Preferably vaginal. Thanks!

    ID this juicy ass

    Anyone know where I can find even a clip of this video pictured here: Or does anyone have any idea of who this chick is that's about to stuff her pussy with the bedpost?
  4. D

    Object Insertion

    Here Are Some Vids Of Girls Inserting Objects. Hope You Like Them And Post Some Of Your Favorites Too. (ps no dildos and not to many bananas)
  5. Quagmire33

    Pussy Objects

    Couldn't find any specific thread relating to this idea. But it's hot to see girls shoving various things up their pussies don't you think:nanner: Hope these links bring a smile some hardcore ones:thefinger