hypocritical neocons

  1. xfire

    Seven U.S. Embassies and Consulates Attacked during Bush Administration

    But nothing from the rabid right-wingers about blood on Bush's hands. I don't blame Bush for the actions of terrorists, that would be fucking dumb. http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/09/14/krauthammer-whitewashes-bushs-history-to-bash-o/189890
  2. Facial_King

    Lone Republican Senator Blocking 1,000,000+ Americans from Unemployment Benefits

    This guy - Jim Bunning of KY - is going to be a conservative HERO! Keeping all those lazy people from milking at the government teat. Good for him!!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20100301/ts_ynews/ynews_ts1202 Excerpt: Sarah Palin stormed the bestseller list last year with "Going Rogue"-a...