hot face expression

  1. merc88

    Pics of "ooh" faces while getting fucked

    Something about this particular look on their face as they're getting fucked is one of my favorites. Sometimes extremely hard to find in a shoot or scene, maybe not as popular as an "o-face" pic, but I enjoy them. examples below:
  2. PlumpRump

    Pouting/Upset Girls

    Looking for pics/vids of girls who are pouting. Please post pics/vids of girls who look like they are about to throw a major fucking fit if they don't get their way in the immediate future. I'm NOT talking about the "duckface" look, or girls with "pouty lips" or collagen injected lips. I'm...
  3. Sailor of the Curves

    Hot Faces

    Hi guys! I want to share with you my favourite fetish that i would call hotest thing in the world: a girl showing she haves intense pleasure with the expression of her beautiful face. The best for me is eyebrows down with open mouth and that look every guy is looking to own right looking at your...