
  1. Rey C.

    Google: The "Don't Be Evil" boys & girls say they will forget you... sorta/kinda.

    After pressure from the EU, Google is being forced to let people be "forgotten" in internet searches. All they have to do is follow a few, simple instructions and meet a couple of conditions. Not to worry - you just have to do these things so that Google can enhance the user experience. :yesyes:
  2. Rey C.

    Facebook co-founder, Eduardo Saverin, renounces U.S. citizenship

    So just before the Facebook IPO, Mr. Saverin decides to skip off to Singapore. And while he won't avoid all of the U.S. taxes on the Facebook shares he sells, he will greatly reduce the hit by renouncing his U.S. citizenship. I heard one talking head on CNBC try to justify what Saverin is doing...