
  1. K

    Who is the blonde lesbo in this Femdom Ballerina vid?

    Looking for the name of the actress at 00:10 (to the right, the ballerina in the tutor's strangle grip) or title of the movie (or a longer clip - 2.05 is tooooo short ;-) ). [OK, actually she's not really blonde - you can see her...
  2. aaarrrggghhh

    Elsa A (Metart)

    Anyone got any more info on her?
  3. H

    Help id theses two???

    I know its hardly anything to go on, but if possible; please help!:brick:
  4. storczyk

    Ballerina & Flat Shoes

    Hi I start a thread on the subject of sexy girls in ballerina or flat shoes. example:
  5. bridgetisgod

    [SOLVED] who are these Ballerinas?

  6. D

    Please ID this ballerina girl..

    Can anyone identify this girl in black outfit? Thanks
  7. E

    Does Sasha I from MetArt have any aliases?

    This fine blonde goes under the name Sasha I on MetArt. The only content she appears in seems to be this video though: Ring a bell to anyone? If she has any known aliases please share =) Found her at amateur18.TV using the name Alexandra. If anyone finds her anywhere else, please post =)
  8. Icewater Jones

    Nutcracker ballerina is written to be FAT by dance critic.

    Dance critic hints that New York City Ballet dancer Jenifer Ringer may be a bit overweight. New York Times critic Alastair Macauley wrote in a Nov. 29 review that Ringer, as the Sugar Plum Fairy, "looked as if she'd eaten one sugar plum too many."...
  9. J

    Any idea who this ballerina/dancer is?

    Amazing body. Especially in the second photo: Any suggestions would be awesome.
  10. pantload

    Actually THIS IS THE ONE

    that I think is a hottie balerina...., Any ID or links to more would be great .
  11. pantload

    flexy girl

    any leads...
  12. L

    Hot ballerinas!

    Gotta love ballerinas - flexible as hell and the tightest bods ever. Share the wealth! Here's a fiver to start: Lesbian Flexible Mast...
  13. Quagmire33

    Ballet dancers / Ballerinas, gymnasts and flexible girls / Lithe Ballerinas / Classical Dance

    Hey has anyone got any pics of cute ballet dancers nude pls post them here. Heres a few links to start off Wish I could be this...
  14. C

    Ballerina babes and other dancing

    I remember a beautiful Met-Art babe called Serena who seemed really to be able to dance. I cannot find any photos of her. I am also interested in any nude dancing, but especially ballet.