2011 japan earthquake

  1. WTC7WasPulled

    Fukushima Now A Worse Nuclear Disaster Than Chernobyl. Japan In Deep Trouble.

    Japan is in big trouble. This disaster is worse than anyone could've imagined. S0H-mtsdsgg
  2. Frank Fire

    Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits off Japan coast

    TOKYO – Officials at Japan's tsunami-ravaged nuclear plant say there's no immediate sign of new problems after a magnitude-7.4 aftershock rattled the nation's eastern coast. A nuclear safety official says the workers at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant are safe but does not know if they have been...
  3. D

    A terrible situation in Japan!

    :surprise: Temporary shelters and hospitals refuse to accept for fear that they can spread radiation! Now they are required to certificates that they are not exposed to radiation. 49-year-old Takayuki Okamura, one of the Fukushima hospitals refused to treat skin rash from his eight-year...
  4. Petra

    WTS my Geiger Counter!

    http://geigercounters.com/ When my grandfather died I was left with 2 things (thankfully NOT the nut and bolt collection...). A vintage metal detector and Geiger Counter. So, in light of the diaster...I'm willing to sell my vintage Geiger Counter to the highest bidder! :1orglaugh
  5. Kingfisher

    Japan Earthquake through Hydrophones

    An active hyrdophone platform at the time of the Japanese Earthquake recorded the main quake and two aftershocks from the bottom of the ocean. http://listentothedeep.com/acoustics/index.html
  6. G

    Fukushima Has Farted

    It would surely ruin everyone's day if he pooped 5sakN2hSVxA
  7. Frank Fire

    Tiny amounts of radiation from Japan reach Nev

    RENO, Nev. – Minuscule amounts of radiation from Japan's damaged nuclear plant have reached Las Vegas, but scientists say it poses no health risk. Extremely small amounts of the radioactive isotopes iodine-131 and xenon-133 reached a monitoring station by the city's Atomic Testing Museum this...
  8. C

    Japan, before & after Tsunami

    http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/13/world/asia/satellite-photos-japan-before-and-after-tsunami.html Great site, you can slide that bar in the middle of every picture to the left & right, great one.
  9. alexpnz

    I Have a Flat For Rent in Japan....

    ...and when I say Flat, I mean FLAT!!:1orglaugh Too Soon?? :facepalm: I apologize to all the Asians....:hatsoff:
  10. smoknn

    maybe its just me??

    i wanna start out by saying :hatsoff: to japan..big #1 sorry...i imagine by now someone is already going to bash me because im sure this has done been done..on another thread (i didnt look )..but anyway...is it just me or did anderson cooper say on cnn awhile back that 90 percent of the money...
  11. brona55

    Maria Ozawa, Sola Aoi, and Ai Sayama are alive

    http://www.gmanews.tv/story/215303/technology/japan-porn-stars-alive-and-rooting-for-countrymen http://twitter.com/#!/ozawazone
  12. K

    Gilbert Gottfried Fired by Aflac Over Japan Tweets

  13. Trident1

    Japanese and American Reaction to Disaster

    Curious to see how orderly the Japanese react to disaster compared to say the American one after Katrina. Both suffered from nature's wrath. Yet we see order and no looting in Japan, and chaos, corrupt cops leaving, looting, murder after Katrina. What a difference. When the big one hits L.A...
  14. SpexyAshleigh

    Japan earthquake fundraiser

    Some of you may have already seen the notice above, but I figured I'd throw a post in here as well to give you guys a quick heads up on my upcoming fundraiser for the victims of the earthquake that hit Japan. I'm going to be holding it in my MFC chatroom all day on Monday, and every single token...
  15. Boothbabe

    The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan are payback for Pearl Harbor.

    Were these people born this stupid or did they follow a course to achieve this level of stupidity :facepalm:
  16. Frank Fire

    Explosion at Japan nuke plant, disaster toll rises

    IWAKI, Japan – An explosion shattered a building housing a nuclear reactor Saturday, amid fears of a meltdown, while across wide swaths of northeastern Japan officials searched for thousands of people missing more than a day after a devastating earthquake and tsunami. The confirmed death toll...
  17. K

    Massive 8.9-magnitude quake hits Japan

  18. STDiva

    Do you care about world events?

    And if so...why?
  19. Ulysses31

    From Taiwan to Tokyo: An awe-inspiring glimpse at the cities of the future

    Shame me and L3ggy won't be around to see them :(