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  1. L

    slovenian/czech amateur girl i met IRL

    Hey, I met this girl IRL who I'm almost certain I've seen in some amateur porn from czech/slovenia (she's slovenian). She has a piercing through her lower lip, has a pretty blush face; below are some pics of her (not the best, I know). I would be thrilled if someone may know her scene(s)...
  2. L

    German brunette (a little older)

    Hi all, I'm looking for the name of this German brunette. I think she was in porn quite a few years back, don't know about now. Thanks for the help! Screens from a scene she did at loveparade
  3. L

    Hot arabic type girl

    awesome! Thanks!
  4. L

    Hot arabic type girl

    Who's she (the one on the left)? (click for larger pics) Thanks, guys!
  5. L

    Skinny bambi-eyed Natalie-Portman smile babe

    Oh yes! Thanks guys! :nanner:
  6. L

    Skinny bambi-eyed Natalie-Portman smile babe

    Who is she? Only saw her in a 15-second facial scene once, don't know from where. She's not Jordan Capri. Please help! A few facial stills here:
  7. L

    Who's this kinda-Natalie Portman lookalike

    bump, argh! i really need this girl :(
  8. L

    Who's this kinda-Natalie Portman lookalike

    Very close, but not quite, I'm afraid. This girls a bit thinner, I think and also the vid is a bit older and i think Capri had her hardcore debut under a year ago ... Here's the second and third pics again, unfortunately I can't seem to edit my original post.
  9. L

    Who's this kinda-Natalie Portman lookalike

    Well, at least the eyes and the smile look similar, or maybe she just reminds me f my best friends' sister :) here and here and here From a small file named bratfuck I found in my collection. Much thanks in advance!