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    Girls from Playboy TV's "Swing"

    Megan was my favorite woman on Swing. Anyone know of any other videos she did?
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    thick euro blonde Anyone know who the blonde is or from what site this shoot was from? It had a humiliation/punishment theme.
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    watermelon assed cuban from moneytalks

    In two recent episodes of moneytalks, they used a cuban named "Carmen" who had one of the most stunning asses I've ever seen. Curious if anyone know of any more footage from this girl.
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    Iranian Bikini Contest Winner

    Hazell Serrano The best bikini contest model in the country. She's actually from Nicaragua.
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    Anyone know this beauty from MoneyTalks?

    Ericka Underwood One of the most well known bikini contest models in South Florida. Some great pics of her and others...