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  1. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    :surprise: DMCA Policy, is in compliance with 17 U.S.C. § 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). It is our policy to respond to any infringement notices and take appropriate actions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and other...
  2. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    Forecast hemorrhoidal World: strong and sudden surges expected on the US, The Netherlands and Germany. Advice: Do not forget the lubricant, the Vaseline is strongly recommended.
  3. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    Ok, it's now official: I got an unlimited ban outhere without any serious reason but that's life ... :) There's more important in life :D To any VIP/staff/moderator personn From CJ (which could lurk by here Anonymously) just one word : GANBARE They'll need it wherever they are.
  4. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    the guys behind freeones are total freaks lol "9 out of 10 perverts prefer Freeones " what a slogan LMAO
  5. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    oh nice it nearly seems ^^ "Cumming to a town near you. "
  6. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    damn does it change every post you make ?
  7. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    Hey what's all that weird user title ? "I ran out of lube can i borrow yours" , what's next ?
  8. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    ask for it mate
  9. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    Please if there's a mod in the hood could you delete all this topic thanks , sorry for the disturbances.
  10. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    i think you're not concerned by this topic , so do like you want , read it or leave it or even ask being deleted no worries :)
  11. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    Mr Playboy could be able to ban you if you're member on CJ for your message, so don't interfer in your interest ^^
  12. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    Ok I've been blocked personally by IP i guess, not banned but resulting the same nevermind lol... So if there's some Cj Staff or/& Moderators lurking around here's something for them => "Hi kaprysk, I need to know how jdonny got the ******* file and whose passkey he posted. I banned you and...
  13. K

    Cinemajuggs disrupted acces

    I'd like to know if there's others people like me who encounters big difficulties to access Cinemajuggs since many days. But currently i've no acces at all... "Internal Server Error" is displayed when trying to reach it. Weirdly, all the checking websites give me the same answer : the site is...
  14. K

    Cinemajuggs forum down?

    Ok i ' d like to know if somebody else or just me can't acces Cinemajuggs currently . I mean these last couple of days, it was sucking big time to connect to the board, & i objectively tell it coz i'm member there since 2006 ... I ask the question coz according to all website checking if a...