I have a friend on line who I want info on. I want to find her by uploading her pics. I tried google and tinyeye. Is there any other image searches. Or any other way of getting info through pics
dude tineye is gay it does shit. i took a pic of katy perry from her wiki page i couldnt even find that. how the fuck does it work if it can find a damn thing. i also tried a few more pics and nothing
Is there a way to upload an image to the internet and be able to see if that image is on the internet. I tried using google image finder but would not work. is there another way to do this or how do i get google to work.
so who's going to the maiden england tour i wouldn't miss it for the world maiden would be the only thing not personal that i would pass on being with larissa for maiden rules UP THE IRONS
wow thanks poptart. she or should i say him was a nice sweet person what a shame. i asked 4 some pics and she said she had hundreds now i see y. a normal person might take awhile to get 100 pics of themselves
im friends with someone on the playstation network and she sent me pics im not sure if its her or not. they look to professional . she does look like she could be a star or model. any help deciding if shes a model or not would help
is there anyway i could find contact info for porn stars who aren't in the biz anymore. or any way to meet them in any way. i know its probably not possible but if there is a chance i would like to know
hmm i don't know either we would fight for her which i would win or u could be the bitch in the relationship and do everything lol. but if we both had to marry her for me to be with her i would lol.