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  1. H

    My New Porn Weblog address, and the first article from it pasted here

    Please post my new porn weblog as a link on your porn websites, and please see that all the male and female porno-models, and all the users of pornography, see and read all my articles, sketches, and poetry posts on it. This website of mine is called: Groveller's Masochist and Scat-slavery...
  2. H

    My article on and about coprophilia

    Coprophilia I have searched all day and evening, over the Internet, and there is next to nothing about the causes of coprophilia (desire towards or desire with excrement involving others) This leads me to believe that there are either no causes to it, or that no one really knows the causes of...
  3. H

    My erotic masochist coprophile sketch ultra-humiliation - part two

    ULTRA-HUMILIATION - PART TWO I was recently introduced to what seemed to be the most attractive, pretty, sweet, and charming young lady, who nurtured and encouraged my deepest loyalty and affections for her, and who very skilfully manipulated me to worship and adore her, and fall very deeply...
  4. H

    My erotic masochist coprophile sketch ultra-humiliation - part one

    ULTRA-HUMILIATION - PART ONE After visiting a Mistress dominatrix parlour, where I kissed the Mistresses feet and licked their boots clean, cruel and clever Mistresses secretly filmed me masturbating, and blackmailed me to work for them, and to be their grovelling and obedient slave. These...
  5. H

    My article on the beauty and power of bare female feet

    The Power and Uniqueness of Women's Bare Feet Women's booted or especially their bare clenched-feet, are basically for me debasers, as women's feet make me want to grovel and squirm more and more for women, and to debase myself more and more for them. Women's feet are totally different from...
  6. H

    Six of my masochist coprophile erotic poems

    The Unification of Pornography The pussies and tits now have absolute power, over the whole of my body and mind, with the shafting cocks. Both porno model Masters and Mistresses forcing the horse shit into my mouth and down my throat and gut, until I am absolutely full of shit, and...