Search results

  1. T

    Cute Little Lesbian

    Who IS this girl? Most of us have probably seen these two pics posted on various sites claiming them as their own, but I still have no idea who she is. In the 2nd pic she's in the front on the right. The 3rd pic is of the tattoo on her right ankle.
  2. T

    No e-mail received

    I've still not received any e-mail from u. Do Hotmail and Yahoo block ur mails automatically? I receive all kinds of crap in my junk mail folder so I wouldn't think so, but I've deleted each e-mail individually looking for yours and not found it. People on Aol can't send me e-mails either...
  3. T

    No e-mail received

    I can now log in, but I still can't start threads except in the "Register Problems?" section, as can everyone, registered or not.
  4. T

    No e-mail received

    I tried registering a few years ago as twistedspark@hotmail and was successfull up to the point where I'm supposed to get a confimation e-mail and did not. I just re-tried using the same name and was told that name was in use...O.K. so I used twistedspark2k1 with the e-mail addy...