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    Rucca Page / Rucca Paige

    Re: Rucca Page I hope I am writing to the whole community? A bit unclear ... anyway: Rucca rocks! She is natural and very very desirable
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    What movies have you watched many times over?

    Movies with Kay Parker; Though made in the 70es it is quality stuff
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    Hej Kira; Tro det eller ej; men udover min almindelige beundring af dig, har jeg faktisk stor...

    Hej Kira; Tro det eller ej; men udover min almindelige beundring af dig, har jeg faktisk stor respekt for dig. Samme respekt som for alle, der giver så meget glæde og nydelse, men må leve med fordømmelse og foragt. Måske ser du aldrig dette, men nu er det sagt
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels This is for Markusarm too; Off course I know that it is all about the money, and if the dream girl could, she would run away as fast as possible. Still, I think - perhaps being very naive - that even a hardcore girl like Gianna could benefit from talking with her fans. The...
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Hi; not even if you get extra-special treatment? Got your point; I´ve dared myself into the sites of some stars, and in general got disappointed paros
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Thanks for answering. I hope you are right as to a website, though later posts explain possible, and understandable reasons why she shouldn´t. If Freeones hadn´t offered her to join, they would be ... won´t mention it. Again, I quite understand if the models "check-out"...
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    Rachel Aziani

    Hey all; Perhaps I am doing something wrong here, but I couldn´t find a way to make a new post, so there ... a reply! I think Rachel Aziani should be president! Apart from her natural beauty and awesome curves, she is a very nice person. Actually, we ought to support her by becoming members of...
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Hi guys. Thanks for all the great links. This may not be a new question, but I dare ask anyway: anybody know why Gianna haven´t got a website of her own? Is she lazy? She definitely should have the fan base to make it a great success. Next question: wouldn´t it be possible...
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    Carmen Hayes

    Re: Carmen Hayes - Busty black pornstar Maybe she quit the business to make an ordinary living? What a waste of talent
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Good Lord! Wouldn´t have that thing shoved up my "interiors" - even by her. She looks lovely, though. I just might consider the spanking if it gets her in the right mood to ... you know ..?
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Awesome pix. Thanks, Rastagir. She must be rather young in this set?
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Reading your post was an "aha" for me. Off course, it is Christy reborn, just more explicit. I loved Christy, and I love Gianna
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    Carmen Hayes

    Re: Carmen Hayes - Busty black pornstar Thanks for the effort. I hope you succeed. paros
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    Carmen Hayes

    Re: Carmen Hayes - Busty black pornstar That´s exactly whar puzzled me. Seems as if she had a site once, which for some reason was abandoned or closed. I think you are a hero trying to find her. I am sure all of us would like to show our appreciation for her in a more personal way than just...
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Hi everyone; Do we agree that Gianna is a natural beauty? Isn´t she adorable? Do we love her? How come nobody made a fansite for her. Maybe even a site where she is present herself? Anybody know why she hasn´t got a website of her own. She deserves it. I may be naive, but I...
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Thats for sure! Seeing Gianna in that secretary-like outfit and glasses immediately turns me on. She is awesome. Incredibly sexy. I love her, and can´t wait till someone invites her into this room. Would like to express my admiration personally paros
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    Gianna Michaels / Gianna Micheal / Gianna Rossi / Gianna Nelson / FTV Becky

    Re: Gianna Michaels Hi Everyone; Just want to express my appreciation of this great thread and all your fantastic links. In my view, Gianna is one of the best. She may have a few stretchmarks, but who cares - they are nicely placed. And that smile ... I know it sounds weird, but do any of you...
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    Carmen Hayes

    Re: Carmen Hayes - Busty black pornstar I cross my fingers and wish you luck. I am sure all her fans do that. Thanks for the effort paros
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    Carmen Hayes

    Re: Carmen Hayes - Busty black pornstar Too bad she is so - out of sight, since she´s such a sight to see. Would a contact to her agent-site be the answer? She might like the idea of chatting with her admirers in this thread. By the way: I think Freeones is a smashing site! Thanks to you all...
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    Carmen Hayes

    Re: Carmen Hayes - Busty black pornstar I love this thread. She is a Queen. Wonder why she doesn´t have her own website (anybody know why?)