Search results

  1. jjo_is4

    Soul Singers/Groups!!

  2. jjo_is4

    Bears Hall of Famer Hampton refuses White House invite

    IMO he should have gone to the white house and shaken the black man's hand.
  3. jjo_is4

    'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrations in New York City

    It is indeed, pete. It could be the result of a genetic abnormality. :hairpull: :brick: DdAVl1LvQL0 Or shemales. Don't forget the shemales. :facepalm: I think Will is the son of Don Rummsy. :hairpull: GiPe1OiKQuk
  4. jjo_is4

    Best player in each pro sport today?

    :goodpost: I don't know enough of the other sports.
  5. jjo_is4

    Kianna Dior VS Kira Kener

    Kianna Dior
  6. jjo_is4

    How do you search the internet for stuff.

  7. jjo_is4

    Obama loses Hulk Hogan’s support

    :goodpost: I recently dated this really hot german/italian chick and she was fantastic in bed. The problem was that although this very sweet looking babe kept telling me she is not extremely prejudiced the next blatant racist remark was never far away. :rolleyes: She hates Obama with a passion...
  8. jjo_is4

    'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrations in New York City

    Some of you guys must have a brain that's smaller than a worm. :hairpull: If it's not too late, open your mind to the truth. :2 cents: vs5wcj0IXnU
  9. jjo_is4

    I'm engaged.

    Congrats. Now would be a good time to post a pic. :D
  10. jjo_is4

    Puppy meat is no worse than a pork chop

    Here's a dog that should have eaten earlier.
  11. jjo_is4

    The official say something nice about an Admin thread

    I miss GregCentauro. Bring him back. I know it's been done at least twice. :2 cents:
  12. jjo_is4

    Nice ava + sig. :clap:

    Nice ava + sig. :clap:
  13. jjo_is4

    Happy New Year, Jinxy.

    Happy New Year, Jinxy.
  14. jjo_is4

    Happy New Year, Alisa.

    Happy New Year, Alisa.
  15. jjo_is4

    Happy New year, Tia.

    Happy New year, Tia.
  16. jjo_is4

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year
  17. jjo_is4

    Could anyone help me.....

    Better late than never. Holly heart
  18. jjo_is4

    And Happy New Year to you too, sir :hatsoff:

    And Happy New Year to you too, sir :hatsoff:
  19. jjo_is4

    Happy New Year! :hatsoff:

    Happy New Year! :hatsoff:
  20. jjo_is4

    Happy New Year to you, sir. :hatsoff:

    Happy New Year to you, sir. :hatsoff:
  21. jjo_is4

    Hello From Asian babe Tia Ling

    Thanks for reply, Tia. :) I found that pic on another board. I believe it comes from a movie called Anacondas And Lil Mamas 3. It looks very hot. I love the Christmas pics. Thanks very much you are very sweet. :D
  22. jjo_is4

    Thanks. :bowdown: And the same to you. Merry Xmas. :D

    Thanks. :bowdown: And the same to you. Merry Xmas. :D
  23. jjo_is4

    Merry Christmas, Mariah. :clap: You're a knockout. :cool:

    Merry Christmas, Mariah. :clap: You're a knockout. :cool:
  24. jjo_is4

    ★Miss FreeOnes Round 3! December 16th to January 1st!★

    That's the best Christmas message I've read today. :2 cents: I'll remember that on my next trip to Brazil. ;) MERRY cHRISTMAS EVERYONE :cool:
  25. jjo_is4

    Thank you, sir. :bowdown: Merry Xmas to you too. :hatsoff:

    Thank you, sir. :bowdown: Merry Xmas to you too. :hatsoff:
  26. jjo_is4

    You too. Have a great festive season. :)

    You too. Have a great festive season. :)
  27. jjo_is4

    Cheers mate 4 rep. Merry Christmas to you.

    Cheers mate 4 rep. Merry Christmas to you.
  28. jjo_is4

    ★Miss FreeOnes Round 3! December 16th to January 1st!★

    After you, darling. ;) :hatsoff: I thought this competition was about the mob. They are so sexy. :facepalm: It looks like those young men are here to stay. :dunno: There is one thing you can do to keep them cool and it involves drinking a lot of water and waiting for it to come out the other...
  29. jjo_is4

    Merry Christmas, Mariah. :D Have a pee in me. ;)

    Merry Christmas, Mariah. :D Have a pee in me. ;)
  30. jjo_is4

    Merry Christmas, Jinxypie. :D

    Merry Christmas, Jinxypie. :D
  31. jjo_is4

    Merry Christmas, MrT. :D

    Merry Christmas, MrT. :D
  32. jjo_is4

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D
  33. jjo_is4

    Merry christmas, Alisa! :D

    Merry christmas, Alisa! :D
  34. jjo_is4

    Merry christmas, Ry! :D

    Merry christmas, Ry! :D
  35. jjo_is4

    Merry christmas, Diva! :D

    Merry christmas, Diva! :D
  36. jjo_is4

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D
  37. jjo_is4

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D
  38. jjo_is4

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D
  39. jjo_is4

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D

    It's very pink around here. :surprise: Merry christmas! :D
  40. jjo_is4

    I wasn't being serious when I said put me on your ignore list. :1orglaugh You take this place...

    I wasn't being serious when I said put me on your ignore list. :1orglaugh You take this place too seriously, DOA. :2 cents: merry christmas :D
  41. jjo_is4

    Poor Mega. :surprise: Anyways merry christmas Jag. :hatsoff:

    Poor Mega. :surprise: Anyways merry christmas Jag. :hatsoff:
  42. jjo_is4

    private ambition

    Thanks mate. That was all the help I needed. :hatsoff: She be llona. :)
  43. jjo_is4

    Does your significant other know about your FreeOnes addiction?

    Re: Does your significant other know about your Free Ones addiction? I don't think that would be a good idea. :1orglaugh
  44. jjo_is4

    MrT is back. :clap: I thought you said you won't post until til xmas eve. :facepalm: You...

    MrT is back. :clap: I thought you said you won't post until til xmas eve. :facepalm: You couldn't last one week without posting @ FreeOnes. :computer: :nannerf1: merry christmas DOA. :1orglaugh
  45. jjo_is4

    Hello From Asian babe Tia Ling

    Hi Tia, :wave2: I trust all is well in Ohio. :) I'm hoping you or one of your many many fans can help me out with a small problem. :cool: I've been hunting for the "perfect tia" picture to use as my desktop background image for quite some time and I've finally discovered the one I want. Here...
  46. jjo_is4

    private ambition

  47. jjo_is4

    private ambition

  48. jjo_is4

    Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want

    :1orglaugh That's the MrT we all love or hate. Carry on sir. Carry on. :clap: onap0Wou5Lg He is also the self confessed kinkiest man in England. :1orglaugh
  49. jjo_is4

    OCSM sends private messages

    HRWUqNyiAp0 :weeping: :weeping: