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  1. Steve-FreeOnes

    Ria Rose

    I mean, you can direct link to the tweet.
  2. Steve-FreeOnes

    So about Anota winning Best Picture....

    1) Wrong section. 2) There's an Oscar thread here -
  3. Steve-FreeOnes

    Ria Rose

    You already knew the answer to your question. You said it yourself. Asking for other sources of it is asking for illegal uploads of OF content, which is strictly against this forum's rules. You knew what you were doing, so don't do it again. Additionally, you can feel free to not post again in...
  4. Steve-FreeOnes

    Ria Rose

    If the preview is only available legally on an OF then that's where you can find the video preview. You have your answer so don't ask again.
  5. Steve-FreeOnes

    FreeOnes Board News

    Some staff news! The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that @Connor Macleod has been reappointed as moderator. Having completed his trek through the Andes during which he used only a pogo stick, he has returned to the team and we're delighted to have him back. We want to thank @georges for...
  6. Steve-FreeOnes

    Hitler vs Obama - 25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany

    I don't think there's any good reason to bump this thread other than to tell us what we already knew - that there have been some incredibly dumb fucks on this board down the years. Man I would have loved to have been around for Sam Fisher.
  7. Steve-FreeOnes

    Celebrity and Adult Performer Death Thread

    One of the greatest. Just had to put on The French Connection. Brilliant actor, always good no matter what the role and film.
  8. Steve-FreeOnes

    Michelle Trachtenberg

    Anyone posting unsubtantiated rumours about Michelle Trachtenberg's death will be given a warning. And absolutely no TMZ.
  9. Steve-FreeOnes

    Ellen Page / Elliot Page

    Closing this thread for reasons that should be obvious.
  10. Steve-FreeOnes

    NFL '24 Season Thread

    Kendrick Lamar MVP.
  11. Steve-FreeOnes

    Space Force elohim Mind War

    What the fuck is this shit. Get the fuck outta here.
  12. Steve-FreeOnes

    How Bad Is Your Short-Term Memory?

    I don't remember.
  13. Steve-FreeOnes

    The future of Funny Pictures and Videos

    @The Identifier asked for some feedback. You made a comment about removing a thread and breaking the chain, which I still don't understand and you still haven't clarified. You then claim we're doing this for "drama", which I also don't understand. You've clearly got objections to us junking...
  14. Steve-FreeOnes

    The future of Funny Pictures and Videos

    I don't understand what's so difficult to understand here! Nobody posts in this section. It's not 2008 anymore. This section is more or less dead. Where is the argument for keeping it? Because I don't see it. It's not about 'needing drama' (wtf is that about), it's about making the board more...
  15. Steve-FreeOnes

    The future of Funny Pictures and Videos

    What does this mean? Just so all three of you reading this thread know where I stand, my view is this section doesn't need to exist at all and everything should be moved into FreeOnes Talk. So if there's anyone lurking and having any strong feelings on the subject, they should speak up asap...
  16. Steve-FreeOnes

    FreeOnes Board News

    I cannot believe this was ever a rule in the first place, but this post is regarding this:- We're rolling this back, something that should have been done a looooooong time ago. Absolutely all pictures and...
  17. Steve-FreeOnes

    Emily Willis / badlilgirlemily / emilywillisxoxo

    If a family has chosen not to share information about their daughter / sister then they don't want to be bothered. How much clearer can that be?
  18. Steve-FreeOnes

    Naomi Scott

    Can you screenshot these issues for me and DM them to me? In future, if anyone's having technical issues with the board, DM a moderator!
  19. Steve-FreeOnes

    Still have porn actresses that refuse interracial scenes?

    This thread has been done 706 times, no need for number 707.
  20. Steve-FreeOnes

    Question for adult comics experts....

    If you haven't got anything of substance to add to a thread, don't bump it.
  21. Steve-FreeOnes

    i feel betrayed and like a fool

    RIP Ace Boobtoucher
  22. Steve-FreeOnes

    [SOLVED] Chloe, milf at 40something

    What's the point of this? An 11 year bump of a one post thread for a poster who was banned 9 years ago. What are you trying to achieve here?
  23. Steve-FreeOnes

    Krapus lovley

    Jamie Lynn
  24. Steve-FreeOnes

    ATK hairy

  25. Steve-FreeOnes

    Insanely hot curvy goddess

  26. Steve-FreeOnes

    FreeOnes Board News

    You all may or may not have noticed that the 'For the Curious' section has undergone some renaming. Please read the sticky thread in Trans Talk for more info and please apply these criteria to your posts elsewhere on the board. Thanks! We have also recently split this main Talk section into...
  27. Steve-FreeOnes

    Renaming the 'For the Curious' forums and terminology

    Hey guys. We're now asking people to stop using the above terms in posts and threads on this forum. Except in cases such as these:- We will be monitoring this board and we hope people understand our requests. Any questions or comments, please post them below.
  28. Steve-FreeOnes

    ID busty ebony babe?

    Bonnie / SantasSecret2002
  29. Steve-FreeOnes

    (solved)large natural boobs brunette, id please (veronika mars)

    Veronika Mars
  30. Steve-FreeOnes

    who's on 4:05

    The rule is one bump every 24 hours. Be patient.
  31. Steve-FreeOnes

    [SOLVED] Czech Tainster/Cumsquad pornstar's name missing

    The OP hasn't posted in 6 years, and this thread is over 7 and a half years old.
  32. Steve-FreeOnes

    FreeOnes Board News

    VPN access is outside of our control, isn't it?
  33. Steve-FreeOnes

    Who is Ariel F?

    Yeah, I want a reply to this, too. You've got 24 hours from your next login, @Pornfan99
  34. Steve-FreeOnes

    Anna Arilaviee / Anna K / Arilaviee

    @Cthulhu.fhtagn Don't post in this thread anymore, please, due to sharing personal information or you'll be banned. Thanks.
  35. Steve-FreeOnes

    Czech streets 14 First girl

    The poster you're quoting hasn't logged in in nearly 2 years. I'm closing this thread because you're just not paying attention at all. Start a new thread if you really must.
  36. Steve-FreeOnes

    Czech streets 14 First girl

    What are you replying to this thread for? It's 9 years old and the OP's account is closed.
  37. Steve-FreeOnes

    Celebrity and Adult Performer Death Thread

    Disappointed he didn't pass away in a hospital, which is a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.
  38. Steve-FreeOnes

    Tall Blonde Extra In Brazzers Video

    I'm gonna say no. It's a tough one, admittedly, but as she doesn't have a stage name as yet, I don't feel comfortable using a name that hasn't been officially assigned to her in adult scenes, whether she's performing or an extra. But as we've more or less got an idea of who she is now, I'm...
  39. Steve-FreeOnes

    Tall Blonde Extra In Brazzers Video

    Actually, yeah, I fucked up. That info is too personal but I'm not going to warn you this time because it was my error. Posts deleted though.
  40. Steve-FreeOnes

    Who is she ?

    The link is to a goddamn AI subreddit as well.
  41. Steve-FreeOnes

    US States Requiring Photo ID to Access Adult Content Online

    Hey man, you might have missed the memo but I said the next motherfucker who posts political shit in the non-politics sections gets a two week holiday. Send a postcard!
  42. Steve-FreeOnes


    This thread is now closed until everyone who posts in it (not including me because I'm great, and maybe @tvstrip ) goes to Meme School. It's a meme thread not your 'Oh no look what the wokes said 7 years ago!' dropbox. A truly awful thread.
  43. Steve-FreeOnes

    How come Hong Kong never developed strong domestic porn industry and in turn exportation market for XXX movies the way Japan did?

    Hong Kong cornered a market in martial arts films for two big reasons:- 1) Because there wasn't really a martial arts scene in nearby countries. Japan mostly made samurai films and societal dramas, and Korea mostly the latter. 2) The Bruce Lee effect. He was that big a star that the entire...