Re: carmen of
Um, ah, cough, answers to interview questions, cough, pretty please, cough, hottest nerd ever. I know the bagels are tasty but we might lose you after Monday so treat us our parting gift...
carmen of
Unfortunately I was drinking coffee when I read the above. Now to clean the computer screen...
Actually you're allowed to post the videos on your site or link to them within the forums so long as you leave the copyright information (think watermark for...
Re: carmen of
I don't know who was responsible for what but Abbie was certainly more prominent on the CWH forums and in the public domain. For example, venture back to the early pages of this thread and you'll see she participated here. And this thread is rather amusing too...
Re: carmen of
I imagine it also has something to do with the breakdown in the relationship between CWH's two main people (see below). Plus, in order to work with the bigger players like Nuts magazine, she would have to travel and she has already stated that she's petrified of...