Search results

  1. F

    What happened to AksJolene?

    That's great. Thanks for the update. :confused: Whay's that?
  2. F

    What happened to AksJolene?

    It's got the same streaming videos as ******* now. It doesn't take you to all the sites with the +/-3 sample downloadable videos.
  3. F

    Women In Nurse Uniforms

    I can't remember her name but this is one of my tops Link 1 Link 2 Nurse Jenaveve Savannah Gold
  4. F

    Women In Nurse Uniforms

    guess there's not point in having this one then, huh?
  5. F

    Women In Nurse Uniforms

    Can we do this? Or is this thread too link dangerous? I found a new one that's pretty great but almost all of teh have redeeming qualities. I'll wait for verification before throwing up a link.
  6. F

    bachelorette party videos?

    Checked out loverboys. Right on with that one. That has to be the BEST JOB EVER. I can't believe women actually do shit like that at a stripper party.
  7. F

    Party hardcore: Do these really exist?

    I kind of was thinking that the ones doing it might be paid. The bachelorette party ones seem a little more genuine
  8. F

    Party hardcore: Do these really exist?

    Has anyone ever been to one or known someone who has been? How do they work exactly? I'm guessing if they are real that they're not something a regular person is going to get into. I notice there's really no fat or really ugly chicks at these. On some of the videos some of the women look like...
  9. F

    bachelorette party videos?

    I'm going to hold off on checking those 2 sites out. By the description on the Google results I'm guessing they're just naked guys, sans the mouths full of stripper dick.
  10. F

    bachelorette party videos?

    I guess what I'm really in search of is whatever the keyword(s) would be to find these videos. I'm not finding them on *******, askjolene, or a couple others with these
  11. F

    bachelorette party videos?

    OK... what other sites show spinsters at a bachelorette party sucking stripper dicks.
  12. F

    bachelorette party videos?

    Aside from Dancing Bear what are some other places to see the same kind of videos. I had a bunch from some site... I think they were labeled as bachelorette cheaters or cheating wives or something to that effect. A lot of whipped cream use in the ones I'm thinking of. Guys spraying it on their...
  13. F

    What movie was this?

    nothing? sheesh
  14. F

    What movie was this?

    Still nothing?
  15. F

    What movie was this?

    Nobody? Nothing?
  16. F

    What movie was this?

    I'll set up the scene: Janine Lindemulder, Raylene and some other girl (Kenteal maybe?) Raylene and the other girl are wearing some sort of body suits. The are all in the woods or something. Janine is naked, Raylene and the other girl get hung up on some sort of cargo net between two trees...
  17. F

    Who is this?

    Thank you. You rocketh
  18. F

    Who is this?,0,0,0,90301
  19. F

    Who is this?

    I thought it was Phoenix Marie.... now I'm not so sure,0,0,0,90301
  20. F

    Beautiful eyes

    They have eyes? Where have I been? Chasey Lain?
  21. F

    Who Do You Blame For Job Losses?

    I blame the jobs... if they didn't get lost people would still have them. Leash laws people. Leash laws. and I blame the country for buying every piece of crap that comes out of China, Japan, Mexico, Bangladesh, Korean, Indonesia, India, and anywhere else that doesn't cripple out home industry...
  22. F

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    Fantasy: I hope somehow this whole trillion dollar leap of faith works. Reality: I know it won't. Self-loathing: I hate the fact that I work and own a house and pay my bills on time and don't hold any debt... If I wasn't so responsible I would be hitting the federal lottery. Optimism: It can't...
  23. F

    NAACP wants NY Post editor and cartoonist fired

    I don't get where they were trying to go with this. Surely they had to know when they were making it how it would be viewed. Morons
  24. F

    Who is this?

    h t t p : / / bbp . brazzers . com/m/btaw/377/?t=52&nats=askjolene:Revshare:BBP,0,0,0,90301 I thought it was phoenix marie but now I'm not too sure.
  25. F

    Can someone tell me who this is?,0,0,0,90301 I thought it was Phoenix Marie but now I'm not so sure. I love this video... I wish I had the full version.