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    Faith Leon

    Hi Luke ı am so sorry for diminishing your dreams but unfortunately faith leon and faith adams are the same person.Here is the proof and ı also asked my friend jessica jaymes she also confirmed that they are the same person.I am so sorry:)
  2. N

    please id this blonde chick at in the vip site

    Could please give me the real name of janet?Thanks
  3. N

    who is this babe at

    Does anybody know the real name of janet in the
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    Faith Leon

    So if they are not the same person what happened to faith adams then? Did she just dissepeared from the earth? Please pay attention when Faith adams carreer ends in 2004 Faith Leons starts.Can it be coincidence? Same height 5 11 which is very unsual for pornstars same name and exactly same...
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    Faith Leon

    I think u are wrong for sure they are the same person because their height,weight, same face, same breast type and even their noise are the same. She is just wearing contact lenses because the only difference is the eye color and she is whiter now because she is living in denver instead of...
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    Faith Adams

    ı think faith adams became faith leon?is that true????
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    Faith Leon

    faith adams and faith leon are the same person?does anybody know because they incredibly look like eac other thanks?
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    Faith Adams

    faith adams and faithleon are the same person?does anybody know?
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    Faith Adams

    Faith adams and faith leon are the same person? does anybody know?