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  1. R

    Brunette Milf ID?

    Great news this lovely lady is back escorting!! beautiful new pictures right up to date 9/04/2013 Will post link if anyone interested.
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    i am lost

    have posted before looking for this actress or name of a film somebody must know who she is. Have little to go on other than the opening credits for this film is of a small stage and each actress is doing a dressed but erotic dance as there name is introduced (the name amanda adams is definetly...
  3. R


    Hi to all, I am trying to find an actress that as now taken on an obsession now that i realise that there is such a big porn community on the net. this is all I know the film starts with opening credits of each actress doing a sexy clothed dance on a small stage (i think this part is in black...
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    asking the impossible

    I do not know were to start with this but am trying to identify a blonde american pornstar circa 80s my search so far as been fruitless as i have very little to go on other than one movie said lady was in, started with some small stage dancing in black and white or with a bluish colorcast and i...
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    Brunette Milf ID?

    Hi Mephisto The good lady was under the name taya when i had the pleasure (s) She resides in shropshire uk I know very little about her other than when she used to unleash her breasts she was a very proud woman.
  6. R

    Brunette Milf ID?

    Newbie here Have had the pleasure of having some full on sex with this lady she is a natural nymphomaniac, I did have some personal images that i took of her she recently (within last 18months) became unwell and had breast cancer i believe she then re-invented as arabella and does her fetish...