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  1. J

    Strange question :)

    I would be a whore from hell, but a rich one i must say
  2. J

    Mandingo Movies

    could you imagine hooking up with a chick for the first time, she would be like what the fuck? lol
  3. J

    Hard deepthroat cumshot!!!!

    omg, id crawl two miles through broken glass on my knees just to masturbate in that womans shadow:lovecoupl
  4. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    When a Bicycle had one gear. Have to got school nowdays to learn how to operate one
  5. J

    Your favorite Beers!

    well dont you eat to get full? drive fast to feel the rush? i drink my beer to get a buzz on. amen brother
  6. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    I dont know if im in a single boat here but this child of mine refuses to want to learn anything that requires real work,anyone else in this boat"? Its not like i dont try and teach him some hard work. we go out and get firewood in each year and its like trying to pull teeth with this kid...
  7. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    cant believe nobody has anything to say to this post, gonna make my son wach it lol
  8. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    hell he is a straight A student, High Honors to say the least, He loves school, didnt get it from me thats for sure lol
  9. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    yea no shit. whats a rear wheel drive now days?
  10. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    to this day , i still walk up to my old buddies places, they or most of them are married. I will say can Mike come out to play? Funny about some of the reactions i get lol
  11. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    How about wooden bats for Baseball? My son is 10 all the kids around him have 300 dollar bats, Im like use one of theirs. Im not about to spend 300 bucks on a bat that will fit him for one year. hell back in my day it was a privy to use a wooden bat that cost 30 bucks, and it hasnt been that...
  12. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    Bad part is my son won the school wide spelling bee a week ago lol.and he is only in the fifth grade, proud proud, but when i look back at when i was his age i had at least 10-12 yards. mowing that i kept up with per week. heck my son has no clue how to start a mower, but when it comes to the...
  13. J

    Your favorite Beers!

    ohhhhhhhh my thats rough stuff, but to each his own partner
  14. J

    Your favorite Beers!

    i shall give it a try . thanks dude, the stuff i am talking about is a bit harsh the next day
  15. J

    Your favorite Beers!

    Id love to see this guy drink 3 40 oz steel reserves. send me a message the day afterwards please
  16. J

    Your favorite Beers!

    To each his own , I prefer someting that i dont have to drink 20of to get a buzz on
  17. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    How about when channel 3,8.13 was all you got, kids have no idea how good they have it. but yet i stilll hear, there is nothing on, im like hmmmmmmmmm
  18. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    long lost art, walking to a buddies house, shit my son pretty much demands to be taken somewhere
  19. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    oh hell yea,back in my day if you landed a playboy you was in heaven lol
  20. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    When they actually used to whip your ass in school, Had a science teacher that everyone feared, you couldnt sit down when he was done with you. I think that was a big downfall when they took punishment out of schools, just my opinion
  21. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    I used to have one, Never could kill it, tough cars
  22. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    Another good one was and still is, Big League Chew gum, thought we were something special with a mouthful of that while we played ball
  23. J

    Has Raven Riley done Anal ?

    let me give you a bit hell yea, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeellll yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
  24. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    There was two big as round thing in the wrapper, you couldnt put a whole one in your mouth it was way too tart
  25. J

    Let me tell you about the good ole days,

    Back in the days when a car had a carburator. not fuel injected, had to let it sit and warm up before you took off for the day. anymore old time umm stories or experiences?
  26. J


    Where and where not let it go lol??????
  27. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    Love the buns, but these were really tart and chewy
  28. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    Oh another one, Those big disk looking things . two per wrapper. cant remember the name of them though
  29. J

    Fast food menu pictures Vs. Reality

    Fuck how it looks , Does it taste good?
  30. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    Oh yea, that brings back memories, We used to think we was cool as hell smoking those lol
  31. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    sorry for the double post all
  32. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    sorry for the double post all
  33. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    Growing up in Nebraska in a town of 175 I used to go to the local store, Pixie Sticks. Cant forget about the Chicko Sticks
  34. J

    Favorite childhood candy?

    While growing up in Nebraska as a child. I remember going to the local grocer . The only one i may add in a town of 175. Pixie Sticks, good thing they still make them , also, the good ole Chiko Stick
  35. J

    Your favorite Beers!

    Damn all try a mans beer, Steel Reserve. Bud Hurricane, 8.1. I have to drink 15 or 20 reg beers to get the same buzz as 3 40 oz of those beers:glugglug:
  36. J

    Only one shoe brand still being made in the United States

    This may be a bit off of the Topic, I happen to work in the neon sign industry. We make a Bud Light neon clock, cost us 56 bucks to make, we recently lost this contract to China for they can make the same clock for 9 bucks, hmmm go figure
  37. J

    Blagojevich: Out As Illinois Governor...

    Its about damn time
  38. J

    Internet Dating

    If your there for a quick ass then say so up front
  39. J

    Internet Dating

    Actually there is good to be found on the internet. I have been dating the same girl for over 3 years now, good to the core. but we have both agreed to keep it a secret that we met through yahoo personals. gods honest truth
  40. J

    Hottest Tennis players

    Re: Favourite Tennis Players? Not to stray too far off the beaten path, There used to be a site dedicated to ladies tennis showing cameltoes? Anyone remember what it is?
  41. J

    Unique Fetishes You Have?

    You shore do gotta purdy mouth:)
  42. J

    Favorite Golfer?

    I agree with all the safe play, Seems like its all played by the book now days insted of going for it. Thats why the young crowd keeps it going
  43. J

    Unique Fetishes You Have?

    Ever sucked on a womans toes while your fucking her, Drives a woman crazy, even when they say stop that yuck, they dont resist very long lol??
  44. J

    Unique Fetishes You Have?

    Is mastubating into a ketchup bottle a fetish??. Ok eating pussy. making it squirt like a fountain, especially with a woman that has never experienced it, sighs
  45. J

    Favorite Golfer?

    Ditto on the Ohio thing. Jack is still the best ever, Tiger is chomping away though, soon will be the next Jack. Both are fierce competitors.
  46. J

    Favorite Golfer?

    Common Bodie, Anyone that hits the ball where he does and still wins, Its amazing, I used to love watching him hack it all over getting out of trouble all the time, spiced up tv golf
  47. J

    9/11 Inside Work?

    All im trying to say is the heat comprimised the steel. Once it gave it was all over. Idiots may have been a bit much, But I have never been one to fall into the "Inside stuff". Sure secret bomb and Military testing I agree, but killing Americans. Shutting down Wall Street umm i dont think so.
  48. J

    Favorite Golfer?

    Peeps that make fun of Golf have never tried the game, If you have one ounce of perfectionism in your body, your hooked
  49. J

    9/11 Inside Work?

    For all you Idoits out there that think it was an inside job, Put 500lbs on your back . hold it for 45 mins and let someone some and take your legs out, get it?