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  1. P

    Brooke Marks

    Hey Joe....So sorry my opinion seems to have worked you all up into a lather. I was a member to her site and not hardly anything ever happened on that site. So I cancelled. My point was that if it did happen even just occasionally I probably would've stayed much like others. But hey what do I...
  2. P

    Brooke Marks

    She is so hot....Maybe some day she'll do some real full nude stuff...until then she'll continue to tease lol.
  3. P

    Brooke Marks

    I was thinking that too. Was that video over a long period of time? A lot of it sure seemed to be taken from one in particular?
  4. P

    Brooke Marks

    That video was amazing...Now if that happened a lot more often I'm sure we'd all be members!