Search results

  1. divermann

    Girl is about to give up

    I couldn't find a thread like this so, here goes. I'm looking for any clips or movies where the girls looks like she is not going to make it to the end of the scene. I'm not talking about abject boredom, but where she starts out fine, but then looks so spent, you wonder if she is going to quit...
  2. divermann

    S.O.S. looking for a Thread.

    I've tried the search function, but I don't remember enough key words to make it a valid search. Around March-April, I think, there was a post regarding scenes in XXX movies where it looked like the actress was going to pull the rip cord and get out and cancel the scene, but somehow she...
  3. divermann

    GirlFriend/Wife watch porn with you?

    To spice things up without going B&D (it is allot of effort) we pick an adult dvd. I found a adult store that is run by all females, well lit, etc. and is more female friendly than the usual whack shacks around town. She feels comfortable going there to get toys and dvds. She tends to pick...
  4. divermann

    Tallest pornstar?

    Celine is 6'-7" There is a site called Giant females that has only women taller than 6'. Unfortunatley, most aren't that attractive. Celine is not one of those. She is very attractive.