Re: FTV Rilee / Riley Anne
Wow. Saw a girl that looked exactly like her playing poker in Vegas a couple weeks back. I love that red promo pic of her spitting!
She did an interracial video for a site called 4FTHEM. Her alias was Michelle Michaels(sp.?) for that vid, an already taken name.
I loved her "I can't believe this is happening/I am doing this" face on the backroom video.
Re: Jaylynn Sinz!
She looks a lot like Heather from "Exploited College Girls," can anyone confrim this? The video was released on April 9th, 2009. She doesn't have tattoos though.
Does anyone know the name of the girl in the link Yobb put up? The girl all the way on the bottom?
Looking for her too, didn't want to start a new post. Does anyone know if she has done any other work? I know this was a year ago and her work was well over four.:helpme: