Very very nice. Different from some of the sleazy stuff here, hope you guys appreciate it too ;)
Check out the commercials for computers in the past:
"Anyone interested in 300Mbytes for UNDER $20,000? It’s a great bargain you know?"
Very interesting and educational tour through the condom making process. Check out the testing process man... sure makes a few of you more relieved eh??
Worries of life overwhelming you? Find that the world is crushing down on you? This is the ultimate cure you need. Never need find another cure!! :D
it's just so addicting listening to this pompous fool digging himself deeper and deeper into the ground with this girl.
WET T-Shirts!!!!
Not sure if this was posted before, but one can never get tired of seeing wet t-shirts!
Wow, i'm sure the fans got more than they bargained for that day!:eek:
I know, i know, it's not panties....
Tell me if i'm wrong that you cannot actually imagine the force of this gymnastic accident. OUCH!!!
For all those who don't already know how.... :D
Idiot's Guide To Kissing Passionately