just a smart ass reply the real football is actually played with a ball, there is no classification as to which shape a ball has to be just cuz it is not as spherical as a soccer ball does not mean it isn't a ball. Like i said just a smart ass reply
allright here is the latest buzz....... i know not all of you like paris hilton but she has come out again this time making a lesbian, sex toy video I am searching for it now but if somone happens to get it can you please post the link. thanks
ok i know thgis is the wrong place to post this but a video of paris hilton has leaked and i need it and i got to have it!!! so if anyone gets a copy please contact me somehows please!!!
here she is.......
Hello I am not a big computer guy so i was wondering on some websites, instead of pictures i get little tiny red X's and i can't see the picture, is there any way i can fix this?????? thanks
and i won't let it go with out a little somthing somthing