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  1. ballzano

    Well, Paul Soros died.

    Awww, shit, it was his older brother. mods please delete I was trying to be honorable.
  2. ballzano

    Well, Paul Soros died.

    Pundit extrodinare, meddiling foreigner, is dead.
  3. ballzano

    The Word is Out

  4. ballzano

    The Word is Out

    Ahhhhhh shit! left off a period
  5. ballzano

    The Word is Out

    Oh, my bad, I meant to say Timothy Geidner if i mispelled his name well oh well. more fodder for the jobless "O' worshippers
  6. ballzano

    The Word is Out

    Has Obama "actually"paid his taxes with all these books? because his staff doesn't understand the tax code thingy and he's the treasury sect.
  7. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    Good for you! You get a star!
  8. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    Might be a bit of topic but, well after working a twelve hour day I went to the range to bow off some steam and noticed i had a pimple.. I don't really remember how to deal with these any advice?
  9. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    I didn't mean that for ^^^^^^^ guy's though...... Umm hehe you guys are cool.
  10. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    My mistake, I meant "off". and I actually wanted to mispell "fat- tech nerd- no life- trying to hard to fit in-douche"
  11. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    I left of the period at the end of the sentence and mispelled the word doush for yall, happy?
  12. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    ^ Of course it's still all Bush's fault
  13. ballzano

    MEDIA BASH: 86% of Romney coverage NEGATIVE...

    fuck.! will e they will not let me rep u!!!!
  14. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    if bush is resonsible for an "act of god" well you do the math xbitch
  15. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    I'm tired , Mayhem and xfire can go fuck themselves, or each other (probibly)....... your sheep. Chick -fil-a is a business, if your a fag....... You dont have to eat there.... lets all be fags and douches and make less business which make less tax revinue, while theres more people sucking...
  16. ballzano

    Feeding Seagulls Laxatives

    domestic terrorism
  17. ballzano

    Fascism takes root in America via...Chick-Fil-A???

    Um, they make really good chicken. and im really not suprised anderson cooper is gay. I really do not give a shit about this other than the fact that it might hurt "chick-fil-a" but if it does i will blame Obama for making this political and the media for being a bunch of fags.....
  18. ballzano

    Porn queen Jenna Jameson endorses Mitt Romney for president

    why does this thread even exist
  19. ballzano

    Porn queen Jenna Jameson endorses Mitt Romney for president

    that was my question wtf is your problem of her9jenna) having an opinion
  20. ballzano

    Porn queen Jenna Jameson endorses Mitt Romney for president

    Are you folks all spoon fed by the media? Even a porn star cannot have a mind of her own, with you religious zealots. this forumn is becoming discusting with all this banter of how one should believe. Most liberals these days are worse than religion itself.
  21. ballzano

    Which "mainstream" actress would U want a blowjob from?

    it's a coin toss between scarlett johansen and lindsey lohan but i leaning to lindsay cause she might do porn any second now
  22. ballzano

    So, I Was Filling Up The Car Today.....

    um ....... the media did.. During the last administration, implicating the previous presidents ties to oil companies. With a little media bullshit and conjecture = president is responsible. This president is also responsible.
  23. ballzano

    New Fleshlight people

    i think the girls who don't plan on going hardcore b/g should get molds made.... Like Aria Giovanni, or a # of porn stars i can't think of right now that have not done b/g. Fleshlight would make a killing.
  24. ballzano

    The Hobbit In 3 Parts

    thoughts you say? if it is made into three (jackson) will probibly borrow heavily from the silmarillion and add all the bookends explaining Olorin (gandalf) , but it does seem real excessive considering it is one book....two movies done right= sweet.. But three? even LOTR's was a little slow...
  25. ballzano

    John Boehner: Voters 'Aren't Going To Fall In Love With Mitt Romney'

    john just sucked his dick, he may not be in love but, have you seen biden's face lately?
  26. ballzano

    Kansas governor signs bill banning Islamic law

    Dammit! I cannot rep you
  27. ballzano

    Republican Fascist Manifesto: Anti-Constitution Theocracy over Democracy

    I wish i could rep you, UBL loved keith olbermann!!!! this is hilarious.
  28. ballzano

    Republican Fascist Manifesto: Anti-Constitution Theocracy over Democracy

    I couldn't give two shits about your religion, I posted in that thread. And dont give a shit about a bunch of people who can't forcast the weather tommorow let alone 50 to 100 years in the future. So please feel free to stfu and keep your religious bullshit to yourself.
  29. ballzano


    So now Reaganomics won the cold war, and balanced the budget... Now if we could just remove the social leeches
  30. ballzano

    Poll for americans only

    Im pretty sure we would be helping them, alot if the need arose. We have alot of weapon systems in common that are constantly being upgraded and the real world combat testing/using is invaluable. I don't think U.S. troops would be used. It would be more of a intelligence operation
  31. ballzano


    research? you did research, Obama hasn't created Shit! and he spent more faster than anyone else pfft! One fucking job maybe, no not even one fucking net job. He gave money to other countries that have creates jobs (not here). No jobs equals no money. How old are you anyway? after 94 we...
  32. ballzano


    Supply side economics creates jobs (Reagen) duh! It does work..
  33. ballzano

    Republicans Are The Problem

    the dems have control of washington....they only lost the house in november of 2010. Or do you just miss blaming bush?
  34. ballzano

    Republican Fascist Manifesto: Anti-Constitution Theocracy over Democracy

    This might be over the head of many liberals here. But global warming/climate change could be considered the worst religion. I can put a "no-solicitation" sign on my front door and even Jehovah's Witnesses will respect that. But the climate change freaks wanna change everyones entire life.
  35. ballzano

    Romney wouldn't have ordered bin Laden raid

    Obama said he wasn't gonna play political football with the death on Bin Ladin. And we cannot take him for his word.
  36. ballzano


    Well, I got better,
  37. ballzano

    Romney wouldn't have ordered bin Laden raid

    Actually. Just taken out of context the big suprize here is that Obama had the stones to pull the trigger and notg just lob a cruiz missle in
  38. ballzano


    Hahahahahaahah I could start watching the veiw too and join a hippie commune. Or dedicate my life to serving self serve ice creme to orphaned children too. All those things as silly as they are have nothing to do with government
  39. ballzano

    Romney wouldn't have ordered bin Laden raid

    So this post is totally predicated on a lie. Why am I not suprized
  40. ballzano


    If not capitalism, what? Nothing even comes close to it, its easy to bitch about till you consider the alternatives.
  41. ballzano

    Egypt Go CooCoo

    Suprised that that article didn't mention the other laws passed like the one where women can't work or be educated anymore.
  42. ballzano

    Egypt Go CooCoo

    Another reminder why Americans in general side with the Israelies.
  43. ballzano

    Romney wouldn't have ordered bin Laden raid

    Since when are they our enemy? It's something that one picks up by watching abc, cbs, and nbc. Pakistan was once a prime member on the war on terror, and they did double deal us...But that doesn't allow a unilateral strike into pakistani territory, at least Bush would have never gotten...
  44. ballzano

    Major Scientists Confirm: Global Warming Panic Is a Hoax

    Ok so when, I was in college. The globalwarming/climatechange/ice age people said most of the seacoast area's were gonna be underwater by 2015 due to glacial melt, sooooooo why the alarmest message? and maybe they sould, you know take it down a few clickes....seriously i mean if you don't...
  45. ballzano

    Obama is a liar, a cheat, and a trouble maker. Just like the UNIONS.

    ^ you will waiting along time, and die of old age
  46. ballzano

    Your thoughts on Obama?

    i cannot give bobjustbob any more rep so, I can ony reflect his message in a sense by adding that business is important if you would like to work in the future.
  47. ballzano

    Romney wouldn't have ordered bin Laden raid

    romney didnt have sex with that women......miss monica lewinski. And he wasn't president either sooo. obama gets credit, good for him. He violated a sovereign country that was our friend in order to kill someone who was no threat........ way to go dems(just going by media values)
  48. ballzano

    OOOH SNAP!!! Auto Bailout Was Mitt Romney's Idea

    oh snap!! Romney. did- nt do um word..
  49. ballzano

    Who Will Romney's Running Mate Be?

    How soon the term "yellow dog democrat" is forgotten. It lasted along time. So i guess anyone even a yellow dog for prez or even vice the end of the day we can all blame democrats for it...