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  1. C

    Identify this dark haired girl for me?

    This was in someones sig on another site, can you help my identify her? Thank you!
  2. C

    Blonde from the movie Arena

    No, I know it's not her. Katia Winter plays the lead in the movie and is a speaking part. :) And is also brunette in the movie.
  3. C

    Blonde from the movie Arena

    Screencaps are from the 2011 Samuel L Jackson movie "Arena". It's hard to tell which girl she is from the credits, or if she's even listed. Anyone know for certain who she is? The tats should help. :)
  4. C

    Who is this from Rectal Rooter

    Really? Huh, doesn't look like her to me. Must be the hair color. Thanks!
  5. C

    Who is this from Rectal Rooter

    I am trying to find the vid in my collection but it's difficult without her name. She's an earlier one on the site is all I can remember. If she ever did anything else, that'd be great too! Thank you!
  6. C

    Allie from Amateur Canada

    I found out that video with the blue hair came from AOV.CA EDIT: The link contains Trojan virus. link deleted except the name.
  7. C

    Allie from Amateur Canada

    I haven't found out where it was from or been able to acquire the video, but I found this of her. So she has had blue hair at some point, which I think will make her easier to track down. Screen caps from an unknown vid
  8. C

    Jenna from AmateurCanada

    I'm trying to find out if she went by any other name or anything? Redhead, a pretty deep husky voice. I used to have what looked like amateur vids of her before a hard drive crash. Strangely Amateurcanada appears to have completely removed her. Thanks!