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  1. thraxiusX

    Pull out or cum inside

    The only time I've ever come inside with no condom is when I was my ex-wife was on the pill. She started a few months before I moved in with her and stopped a short while after we were married, but during that time I think I had the best sex of my life. It just felt natural and satisfying...
  2. thraxiusX

    About A Screensaver

    So, like I'm sure a lot of the folks on here do, I tend to keep a lot of (legally acquired) nude pictures on my women on my external hard drive. Mostly because I like looking at nude women. One of the things I do with said pictures . . . other than the obvious . . . is as a screensaver. I...
  3. thraxiusX

    Too Cute For Porn #12

    I always thought Violet Blue fit this description:
  4. thraxiusX

    Ulya I - AKA: Azanova, Klodi Monsoon, Lia, Myla, Uliana, Ulya

    Re: Ulya I Met-art RedHead Hot damn, this thread made my morning. :thumbsup: If as many Ole Miss girls that dyed their hair blonde went red instead, I'd be in hog heaven. And I always appreciate when a lady puts some thought into her pubic presentation.
  5. thraxiusX

    Any Almost nude teases???

    Samantha Gauge is one of my faves for that sort of thing: And Pixies Pillows:,
  6. thraxiusX

    Raven Riley / Ravin Riley,0,0,0, Thought I'd post an appropriate set for the holiday.