The pic was in the back of section of Penthouse August 1995 It was on a page with other sex hot lines it didnt have a page number sorry but I remember seeing the set online (but that was around 1999) thank you
Anyone one know this babe in the left of this pic even if you dont know but know the babe to right that might be helpful thank you
(sorry for the pic had to scan it from a old mag)
Got a couple of tough ones that been bugging me since I was a teen if anyone happens to know these girls I would be surprised and it would be awesome thanks for taking a look
First one is this cute girl who I only have the one pic from Club International from late 1997 in the mail bag section...
need help IDing this babe about to have sex by the piano if anyone knows or even has links to the rest of this series would be awesome thanks
im new to this and need some help have a bunch of babes im trying to find names for so ill start off slow but here is a pic I need help with thank you