Search results

  1. ChuckFaze

    Late Night Karma All this time, these asswipes and many other talk show hosts / comedians have felt they...
  2. ChuckFaze

    Fake Families

    For those who don't know what the fuck is REALLY happening on the USA Southern border ... beginning with that dick-sucking shithole Julian Castro, O'Rourke, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the Democrats ........... Fake / Fabricated Families...
  3. ChuckFaze

    The Fake National Emergency

    For those who still believe Pelosi's, Schumer's, O'Rourke's, Escobar's, Obama's, Hillary's and ALL other Democrat politicians' CLAIMS that there is NO National Emergency: Be careful what you...
  4. ChuckFaze

    Trump's Alleged Unconstitutional Twitter Blocks

    So now some shithole judge declares Trump's Twitter blocks unconstitutional? What the fuck? I don't use Twitter. Isn't it supposed to be just like any and all other social networks whereby you are the Master of Your Domain / Master of Your Account and can thereby BLOCK anybody's ass that you...
  5. ChuckFaze

    Pimp & Host Gone to Shit?

    Is Pimp & Host temporarily malfunctioning? Did it change for everyone else as well? I am encountering a new look, which wouldn't be a problem if it actually worked correctly. However, for example ... now I can't even get the URLs from there to display my Siggies at their correct size. Now...
  6. ChuckFaze

    The 100 Ounce Mug ... Any Users?

    Speaking of Coffee Refills as Dino was in another thread ... I've seen these 100 ounce mugs that they sell at the Corner Stores inside the Valero gas stations here. Okay, for you all outside of the USA, that is 2.96 liters. That is basically 3 fucking liters ... in a supposed "Mug." :eek: I...
  7. ChuckFaze

    OCSMs' Post Count / Latest Activity

    Out of curiosity, aren't the Post Counts of the OCSMs supposed to increase over on the OCSM page with every post they make? I've noticed this OCSM Sexy Pattycake whose "Latest Activity" seems to pretty much always be current and yet her Post Count is always 31. What's up with that? Is it...
  8. ChuckFaze

    Is PostImage Still a Valid Image Hosting Service on FreeOnes?

    I am using PostImage to host my Signature image. I enclosed the URL in the square-brackedted BBCode IMG Start Tag and /IMG End Tag. It displays perfectly on MY end. But, I am told other people cannot see my Signature image. They tell me they only see a Red X. And yes, I've clicked on the little...
  9. ChuckFaze

    Which Engine Oil Do You Use?

    Since around 1985, I have used Synthetic Mobil 1 5W-30. That's been in the entire time I had my 87 GMC Jimmy, which I had for almost 13 years. And in my current 99 Isuzu Rodeo, which is still running great. I used to take my vehicles to those Quick Lube places since I didn't have the...
  10. ChuckFaze

    Perpetual Log Offs

    I don't know if this is normal for FreeOnes or if it is a Setting that I am supposed to set to prevent this. Here's the deal. It seems I have to constantly be actively doing something within the FreeOnes Forums or else I am quickly logged off. I can't seem to even go to the kitchen for 5...
  11. ChuckFaze

    Image Hosting

    I just need an Image Hosting Service for my signature. I've been seeing ImageBam mentioned here and there. Will that work for hosting my signature image? I mean, it's not going to be popping up Ads on here or something, is it? Also, I tried to take a quick peek at the Terms of Service and...
  12. ChuckFaze

    Fuck Me Boots Babes Search

    This is only my 2nd Post here at FreeOnes. I am crazy about Babes in Fuck Me Boots. Ever since an AOL friend used to send me Pics of her in Fuck Me Boots, Woooooo! My fetish really took off! I lost contact with her though. Damn! So, I figured maybe the experts here can help. Anyone have any...
  13. ChuckFaze

    Trying to Decipher Comment in Video

    I have an inquiry regarding Video #2 on this link: There in the beginning, one of the girls there says something that I can't quite make out. It SOUNDS something like: "Do the Brucker Tudese. I want to see that." Or ... "Do the...