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  1. T

    Legarret Blount: Oregon Sucker puncher

    You dont walk up to somebody after a game,grab them and then talk shit the thier face all while the guy is walking off the field.He deserved to get punched.
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    Allen Iverson is a fucking joke

    What an ego!No ring.Made crazy money.Now will be the man in Memphis instead of coming off the bench for a contender.:rofl:The Celtics wanted Grant Hill,he chose to stay with the suns cause he wants to start.:rofl: Joe Smith signed with Alanta over Clevland for the same money:rofl:What the fuck...
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    I hate the Jim Rome show

    Worst sports talk radio show ever,hands down.I have a very long commute to work and sports talk gets me through it.Every once in a while I have to go in early and when I do I catch the Jim Rome show.Today was one of those days.Cant describe in words how truly shitty this show is.
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    Lets discuss double penetration.

    love watching it if the girl is into it.would love to do it but that seems almost impossible
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    Do you guys fuck your gfs or wives in the ass?

    Well,do you?If your a woman,do you let that go down?My gf used to give it up very rarely,now not at all.Is this something only pornstars do?Im no ass pirate,but once in awhile would be cool.
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    Suggest a laptop.

    Need a laptop for school,music/video,lots of memory,porn(of course)and some light gaming.Really not sure what to get.Are Macs really that good?Have looked at Dell studio xps and macbook pros so far.Most I will spend is 2,500 out the door.Any suggestions?
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    Top 5 best hip hop artist alive?

    just wanted to add that i am a huge hip hop fan but for the most part i listen to old shit.hip hop nowadays is corny records with corny dances like this guy:nanner:
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    Top 5 best hip hop artist alive?

    right now its kanye common wayne thats about it jay is not doing it like he used to mos def has fallen off as well as nas,respect your opinion but ti is just decent
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    Without porn...

    Without porn it is kinda hard for me to cum when Im havig sex with my gf.I am 27 and have been with her for almost 4 years.She is younger and she is attractive.It took me a long time and she finally warmed to the idea of watching porn with me.We enjoy it and do it often but not all the time.Two...
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    The sluttiest porn star that you'd like to bang

    belladonna sasha grey tory lane
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    Things in porn that turn you off INSTANTLY.

    When at the end of a really good scene the dude full out and busts his load all over the chicks feet.That is the worst.
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    Why the fuck would you ever get married?

    Re: Actually, losing your intercourse virginity on your honeymoon ... Can someone please point me in the direction of the "soulmate" bar?The place where Ill meet the woman that will bring me true "inner peace".Like I said before,sounds nice,but highly unlikely.I really dont see myself getting...
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    NBA '09/'10 Season Thread

    One more thing.I am a longtime Laker fan.BUT,no matter what I still love the game of basketball.All those years when we were getting put out by the suns,I still watched all the way through the finals.Through Smush Parker and Kwame Brown I still got excited.When Kobe winds down and we go through...
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    NBA '09/'10 Season Thread

    Im saying the cap could go down next year 8 million.Add that with this years 1 million and you have a problem.I know Rose isnt a free agent for two years.I said what if he left after his rookie contract that is always three years.Man I get what you are saying,but all I said was that real fans of...
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    NBA '09/'10 Season Thread

    Do you watch espn?They already said the cap could go down as much as 8 million next year.And just because your team is in a rebuilding year your not gonna watch the next season?I understand what it is to be a fan,but if people didnt watch and were not interested because their teams were...
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    What if you could build a clone.....

    But with parts from different women?How would you build yours? Mine... 1.Rosario Dawsons face(just something about it) 2.Jessica Biels Tits(not to big,not to...
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    Why the fuck would you ever get married?

    Its not about being anti-marriage.Im just trying to be realistic.The whole soul mate thing?I mean that sounds nice,but I think its more likely that wont happen.Everywhere I look I see people getting divorced and its turns their life upside down.What does that do for the kids?I think Im a good...
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    NBA '09/'10 Season Thread

    So,let me get this straight.You are a NBA fan but you have no interest in the upcomming season based on the upcomming free agent class and next years draft?Let me point a few things out to you. 1.The salary cap went DOWN this year and will probably go down even further next year = some of these...
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    Complete Porn Turnoffs

    1.Squirting 2.Cameraman talking 3.Too many pimples on a girls ass 4.Unrealistic settings(like alien,zombie movies) 5.Girls who lay down a act like a corpse when their getting fucked 6.Girls who are scared of the cumshot 7.Overly thick women
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    Ok guys, I wanna know your ultimate fantasy?

    I would love to dp(no homo)a girl that was really into it and really wanted it.When I see a scene where a woman is talking dirty while getting fucked in both her pussy and ass,it is the biggest turn on.
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    Annette Schwarz

    Re: Annette Schwarz is awesome ! Shes okay.I have a gangbang movie with her in it.I did see her in a video on another site where she put this thing to spread her asshole on and then some guy pissed in her asshole.That was too much for me.
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    Andi Land / Andiland / Andi Pink

    Killer body,ok face.7.5/10
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    "GTA 5 been in dev. for over a year".Where do u think the setting will be?

    Ill be happy with wherever the game is as long as it has co-op.
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    Best games you played so far this year?

    Fight Night 4
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    Best Cartoon of all time

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    Why the fuck would you ever get married?

    Im not knocking you or anyone else that is truly happy with their wife,but what percentage of people actually have succesful marriages?Im going off facts.Having children out of wedlock doesnt mean your a bad parent.My co worker has 4 kids and a wife that he cheats on all the time.Whats worse?
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    About male pornstars : do you care or not ?

    I like porn in a realistic setting even if its far fetched.I cannot watch porn where the performers are dressed like aliens and crap like that.With that said,I do care about the guys.I know these chicks act,but it needs to be believable.If the dude has a tiny dick and she screaming like shes...
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    Bonnie Wright

    Re: Bonnie Wright (now 18!!) Id hit it
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    Which Set of tits?

    I might catch heat for this but none.Not really into huge titties.
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    Who is the BEST Asian pornstar???

    I love asian women and I love porn but my favorite pornstars arent asian.They need to go out and get some new asian talent.Tera is cool but shes damn near a milf.Katsumi is also good but Ive seen her a thousand times along with everyone else on the list.
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    Gauge Vs Sasha Grey-Whose the better 'teen' pornstar?

    I have to give this one to Sasha Grey and not just because she is newer.Sasha has a nicer ass,better face and talks nastier than any other girl in porn.Guage is(was?)a great performer though.
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    Dude,do you know what movie your avatar pic is from?That is a great picture.Thanks

    Dude,do you know what movie your avatar pic is from?That is a great picture.Thanks
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    Why the fuck would you ever get married?

    Man,thank you.I say the same thing and people look at me like Im crazy.I want a child or two.If me and the woman dont work out,oh well.Ill just raise the children the best I can and not worry about getting raped in divorce court.
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    Battle of the asses

    I like variety,but if I had to choose a girl to be with Im picking the one in the blue.
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    Question to guys

    Im against marriage,but I like a woman to be slightly nasty.Talking dirty,watching porn,rough sex,anal sex every once in a while.Stuff like that.As far as snowballing,etc,no thanks.
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    Why the fuck would you ever get married?

    I dont understand why anyone would ever get married.I dont know a single person that is happy with their marriage and my one buddy that acts like he is cheats on his wife all the time.Divorce,child support,drama and bullshit is all that seems to come with tying the knot.So,why do it?
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    the "ass spread" pose

    The spread ass pose is the greatest thing ever.Cannot get enough.Not into the spread asshole pose at all though.There is a big difference.
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    NBA '09/'10 Season Thread

    If your a real fan of basketball every season is exciting.Cant wait for the upcoming season.
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    Most Enthusiastic / Energetic Pornstars

    Re: Most Energetic Pornstar I have to agree with Sasha Grey and Tory Lane.