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  1. S

    id 90's Movie Please

    Hi i was wondering if anyone remember a movie involving a band of girls, kind like the porn version of josie and the pussycats. its older probally in the 90's. i cant remember who was in it, it was part of my collection when i was younger and i forgot the name. any info would be great
  2. S

    id this girl/movie

    the movie is screamers!! thanks man u helped out alot
  3. S

    id this girl/movie

    that seems right lol now for finding out the movie i no the scene after that was girl on girl with her in a car
  4. S

    id this girl/movie

    Hey guys its an older movie probally around 1999-2001 i really wanna no the name of the girl and the movie this scene was in.. if anyone can remember that would be awesome.. ty
  5. S

    id 90s movie please

    nah thats not it lol thanks for trying tho heres the first scene and thats all i can find http://www.*************// EDIT: Links with ******* are from banned site. Post a screen shot to Id. Read rules.
  6. S

    id 90s movie please

    i believe this was in the 90s when it was made. the movie started off with a blonde girl hitchhiking, who was picked up by a guy in a truck and nailed in a barn.. theres a few other scenes i remember, a lesbian scene in a car, a vintage scene 50s style with a red head and also had a voodoo scene...
  7. S

    Isabella Summers

    awesome! i love isabella does anyone have a complete log of all the scenes or websites shes ever been in or on? i want to get her whole "dickography" pardon the pun ;)