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  1. I

    Victoria Spencer

    Omfg! I think i know her in person! Victoria spencer - is that her real name or just screen name?
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    Victoria Spencer

    I think i know her in person! Haha. . . She just had a baby. .
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    Victoria Spencer

    Victoria Spencer aka lady victoria, diamond, blondie Is she still around? Just wonderin coz a friend of mine knows someone that really looks like her, same name (she said she's victoria spencer), etc . . But im too shy to ask if its really her, the "porn star" lady victoria! Lol. . :glugglug...
  4. I

    Anyone Help me with this blonde what is her real name

    Of course gorgeous! If her real name's Victoria Spencer, then, i happened to meeeet her n person! Haha. . :nanner:
  5. I

    Anyone Help me with this blonde what is her real name

    Is victoria still an active porn star? I think i saw her last nite with a bald guy! They look good together! :-):glugglug: