Search results

  1. H

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    Tyrant? You mean like, George W. (Patriot Act) Bush?
  2. H

    best face

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Kiki Daire, she's the cutest of them all.!/kiki_daire/media/slideshow?
  3. H

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    Dude, assault weapons? The U.S. has one of the highest murder rates in the world and you can still buy a gun at K-Mart, but that's not enough? You want easy access to automatic and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns? Earlier, I seriously thought you were talking about gun for self protection and...
  4. H - Reverse Image Search - great for ID-ing babes

    Has anyone heard of It's a search engine where you can upload images to find out where else it appears on the net--great for ID-ing babes as well as identifying unauthorized used of your content. The site is still in beta, I think, and their index is not as exhaustive as Google's...
  5. H

    [SOLVED] Need ID help

    itcouldbeme, who's the babe in your avatar?
  6. H

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    You do realize that there is a difference between municipal (city) government and the federal government, right? Of course you don't. Obama has said absolutely nothing about gun control and I dare you to prove otherwise. He is not going after your previous guns. Maybe your mayor, maybe your...
  7. H


    That would have to be R2D2, she's always been C3PO's bitch.