I know this is a long shot. This video has 4 girls in it, but only two do hardcore in the video. I'm wondering whether the girl with the shorter hair has done any other videos or if she's just a random extra in this video.
So in the beginning of this scene, "Nutley's Asylum: Part 1", there are two other girls in cells masturbating and they show up briefly later in the scene. Yet only Jessica Nyx is credited for the video. Can anyone ID them? Particularly the short-haired tattoo chick. Thanks!
I'm looking for the girl on the left side of this small Naughty Americans ad I saw today. I looked on their site but I didn't see her in the girls listed and saw no evidence of this video being on there. I used snagit to grab some shots (sorry for the weird pixel gaps). If anyone knows the name...
I have an old picset on my HD but unfortunately the folder name was just a number. Can anyone tell me the name of this girl?
I've been scouring looking for all kinds of redheaded babes, and there are 3 I've found that I'd really like to find more on. If you might know any aliases or if they have any more stuff up, info would be appreciated!
First one:
Kelly or Kelley from teen hitchhikers. Seems like there would be...
Found this pic on redhead-lounge, listed as Cassidy, but they don't say what site its from and the links don't actually go to a set relating to this pic. Does she go by another name? She looks really familiar but I'm drawing a blank...
I'm trying to find out if this girl has done anything else or goes by any other name. She is listed as Kelley or Kelly, and so far the only scene I've found is from teen hitchhikers. Oddly enough, you can't find her as far as I can tell on the actual teenhitchhikers site and most links that are...
That's the one. Since the first time I saw that pic I hoped there was more of her.
I have a thing for goth chicks, especially ones with kinda short hair like that. One of my fav's is Jasmine J0nes from littlemutt and a few other sites. Not to be confused with Jasmine Jones (had to use a 0...
Many of you may have seen this on the facebook of sex ads but I figured I'd give it a shot to see if anyone might have seen any other pics of her or know who it is.
2nd girl from the left