Ace Bandage
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  • Thanx for the rep. my friend. T'was very kind of you Sir! :bowdown::hatsoff:

    p.s. I am a die hard Red wings fan. but I like/respect the Blackhawks simply out of the rivalry between us. that and I hate ANY team from Pennsylvania!!! the Phillie's are OK but that's it! lol.. so I am a Blackhawks fan rightnow. :glugglug:
    thanks for the negative rep man, I hope it feels good, and I don't know what was meant to be funny.
    Thanks for the rep Professor Ry, at first I thought I was given rep by 5 people...but no, it was just you. :hatsoff:
    I haz wep from Andronicus? Oooooh. :D

    What is it with folks from Greece walking the thin line between ban hammer and randomness?
    why, thank you, andronicus. praise from you is high praise indeed :thumbsup:
    oh the blondes wanted to say something too....

    Thanks for the rep...been into Parkour for about 3 years now and if you notice...more and more it's showing up in mainstream movies.

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