L L longjohnsilver99 Apr 26, 2010 helllo sweetheart, how r u? just came by to tell you: WOW!!! you're HOT!!! best wishes ;-)
P P perfectbootyckr Mar 29, 2010 Hey there Jasmine, I just checked out your site and the video preview + samples. Damn, looks so damn hot. You are beautiful. Yet another site i will have to sign up to!
Hey there Jasmine, I just checked out your site and the video preview + samples. Damn, looks so damn hot. You are beautiful. Yet another site i will have to sign up to!
tittenman Jan 2, 2010 Happy new year Jasmine, petite? Well they small but perfectly formed? Thats certainly my opinion!
thexflash Dec 23, 2009 Thanks for the friendship! Hope you'll have a merry christmas and a happy new year!
Marlo Manson Dec 3, 2009 Hi Sexiness Welcome to Freeones. and thanx for adding me. :flame::iloveyou::bowdown: